my tongue piercing
First day of my tongue piercing Submitted by celackey in Female Tongue
piercing since I got my tongue pierced (holy shit, like five years ago)
i got my tongue peirced when i turned 13, and i have my bellybutton,
picture where you can see both my eyebrow piercing and my tongue ring.
Question by Electric Ninja: Can my tongue piercing get infected if i drink
And one in the tongue :P
Take Off My Tongue Piercing? Ive been thinking about taking my tongue
Also, this past weekend I rebelled a bit and got my tongue pierced and a new
Me getting my tongue pierced, meant to get this up a way long time ago.
I have had my tongue pierced for about a year now but lately after eating my
My tongue piercing .
I got my tongue pierced!
Barrymore now loves her tongue bling -- even though she fears it scares the
I've had my tongue piercing for about a month and two weeks and i noticed i
My tongue.
but I didn't have the time for a tattoo on my tongue. piercing
Finally got my tongue pierced on Thursday. Shakira was so nice to accompany
3 go straight through my tongue (Typical tongue piercings) And 1 goes ACROSS
As some may know I not too long ago went to get my tongue pierced.
My tongue piercing which I adore, got it approximately 7 months ago/not sure